Component LA+ breaks the protein junctions between the corneocytes, causing their detachment and reducing the thickness of the hyperkeratotic stratum corneum. It stimulates the production of collagen and glycosaminoglycans constituents of the dermal matrix. Has an antioxidant effect.
Component MA+ has a bigger molecular structure than other similar components. For this reason it does not cause irritation or pruritus on the skin. Further it increases collagen and elastin. Also exerts a depigmenting effect even in dark phototypes.
Component GA+ has a high skin tolerance and a small molecular size. Because of that it has a great transepidermal penetration capacity. Its keratolytic activity favors the exfoliation of the superficial layers of the stratum corneum . It stimulates cellular regeneration, increases the level of hydration of the epidermis and reinforces the natural barrier function of the skin. Also promotes penetration of other acids.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All skins are different, they are exposed to different factors, which is why they react differently, for this reason the effects or results cannot be guaranteed
BCN Peel #03 – Depigmentant es un quimioexfoliante que combina tres componentes. Se caracteriza por su acción despigmentante, antioxidante y regeneradora.
Componente LA+. Rompe las uniones proteicas entre los corneocitos, provocando su desprendimiento y la reducción del espesor del estrato córneo hiperqueratósico. Estimula la producción de colágeno y de glicosaminoglicanos constituyentes de la matriz dérmica. Ejerce un efecto hidratante natural sobre la piel al atraer hacia la capa córnea moléculas de agua y estimular la síntesis de ceramidas, mejorando y modulando la función barrera. Promueve la dispersión homogénea de la melanina, inhibe la acción de la tirosinasa y bloquea la melanogénesis. Tiene un efecto antioxidante.
Componente MA+. Tiene una estructura molecular mayor que otros similares . Por esta misma razón no genera irritación ni prurito en la piel. Aumenta la síntesis de colágeno, elastina y glicosaminoglicanos en la dermis papilar. Ejerce un efecto despigmentante incluso en fototipos oscuros.
Componente GA+
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